SEMG Biofeedback for Neuromotor Dysfunction

Series 15


January 25, 2023
12 pm ET


SEMG is a powerful tool, providing the user access to neuromuscular activation patterns otherwise invisible. In cases where neurological deficiencies alter and interrupt physical function, such as post stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, as well as chronic conditions, this information can be used to retrain the neuromuscular system to gain control of, and generate force in affected muscles. Since accurate, well delivered feedback is key to neuroplasticity and motor learning, having access to this information, and delivering it in the right way can be incremental to the rehabilitation process.

Learning objectives

Participants will get familiarized with:

  • The basics of the EMG signal and how to interpret it
  • The different aspects of the SEMG hardware
  • The clinical reasoning behind incorporating biofeedback in neuromuscular rehabilitation
  • How to use SEMG biofeedback in the clinic


Geva Antopolsky, BPT

Geva is a physical therapist trained in Israel, with 10 years of clinical experience. Currently product manager for EMG biofeedback systems at Thought Technology. Geva has spent the last 6 years designing and developing the MyOnyx EMG/ pressure/ electrostimulation system, as well as teaching and training clinicians and distributors around the world about Biofeedback, EMG and its clinical uses. From his unique position, Geva is able to give a full picture of the modality, from the very basic acquisition technicalities and signal translation to the clinical applications and reasoning.
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