41: Cultivating physician leadership skills

My guest, Karen J. Nichols, DO, has held many leadership roles during her career and is a sought-after speaker, coach, and mentor. She shares her wisdom regarding physician leadership in her journey.


“When making a transition into physician leadership, relationships are key. It is crucial to assume a listening role during the initial phase.”

Show Highlights:

  • Karen J. Nichols, DO, describes her current role as a speaker and consultant on principles of leadership.
  • She relates how her experience in medical education teaching led to her accepting the role as Dean at Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine – Midwestern University.
  • She shares the impact that her book, Physician Leadership: The 11 Skills Every Doctor Needs to be an Effective Leader, has had on her career as a mentor and coach.
  • She provides guidance on how to avoid the biggest stumbling blocks for physicians making the transition to leadership.

About me:

I’m an experienced physician executive with over 30 years of clinical and administrative experience in various healthcare settings. I’m passionate about coaching and mentoring physicians interested in transitioning to full time or part time non-clinical roles either within the healthcare industry or external to healthcare. I have served as a COO for an emergency medicine management company, CMO for several hospitals, Vice-president of ambulatory quality for a large multispecialty medical group, Vice-president of system quality and safety for a multi-hospital system, along with numerous medical staff positions and other administrative roles. 

Connect with me:

Website: https://physiciansbeyondthebedside.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NormMD.BTB

Twitter: https://twitter.com/beyondbedside

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMVkvrQa3LULExRtPNvkkuw

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nchapinmd/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ubeyondthebedside/

Additional Resources:

Karen J. Nichols, DO – LinkedIn

Physician Leadership: The 11 Skills Every Doctor Needs to be an Effective Leader by Karen J. Nichols

Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini

The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter by Michael D. Watkins

A Guide to Effective Decision Making

Free 30 Minute Coaching Introductory Session

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