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  • The pros recommend replacing flammable landscaping with fire-resistant plants and...

    Cyrus McCrimmon / The Denver Post

    The pros recommend replacing flammable landscaping with fire-resistant plants and mulch, such as gravel to replace bark.

  • Carol O'Meara / CSU Extension


Carol O''Meara CSU Cooperative Extension

Hot, dry weather is settling in just when people want popping-good fun with fireworks and open-air grills. If you’re new to the area, pause before you light off that sparkler. The moisture this spring and mid-June gave plants what they needed to grow lushly, but as they brown and dry from less rainfall, they turn into fire hazards.

Living in the semi-arid west means being fire-savvy, and to help you keep a firewise landscape, the pros at the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado ( have a few tips for mountain and foothill residents.

“The biggest thing is not having combustible materials close to the house. That means tall trees shouldn’t be within 15 feet and shrubs no closer than 10,” says Scott Deemer, president of Outdoor Craftsmen in Erie and member of ALCC ( “Consider the zone in which you’re planting; the mountains have a higher fire danger, so add a greater distance from the house. If plants catch fire, you don’t want them igniting the house.”

Most evergreens are highly combustible, such as pines, spruce and fir. Deciduous trees lack the pitch to burn as hot and are less prone to fire, said Deemer. But firewise designs needn’t rely on large areas of gravel mulches, he said; you can still have a more refined landscape. “We try to balance the esthetics with safety and often put fire suppression systems into the landscape. These suppression systems are tanks that hold thousands of gallons of water.”

The pros recommend replacing flammable landscaping with fire-resistant plants and mulch. Use perennials instead of low-moisture shrubs and plan for some gravel to replace bark mulch for better fire barriers around a home. Select flowers and herbaceous plants, and shrubs like Oregon grape holly and true mountain mahogany. Change from conifers to trees such as aspen, crabapple, and lilac.

Avoid placing plants too close together to prevent fire from traveling between them or “climbing” up smaller bushes into the more flammable branches of nearby trees, says ALCC in a press release. Clean up and remove flammable debris such as downed twigs or excessive pine needles. Clear dead trees, shrubs and small plants from underneath larger trees.

In general, fire-resistant plants are high in moisture, have fewer leaves or needles, stay close to the ground, and don’t require significant pruning and re-seed following a fire. Pavers, concrete, and brick are best choices for patios and sidewalks.

Insurance companies often require a fire suppression plan before they’ll cover mountain property, said Deemer. Near structures, avoid having tree branches overhang the roof, keep gutters clean, and mow natural grasses and weeds to six inches or less within 30 feet of structures to prevent flames from traveling across a yard.

If you don’t live in the mountains, keep in mind that fire is a problem on the plains, too, where weedy cheat grasses are dry and spread fire quickly. Preventing fire is a responsibility for all of us, so honor fire bans, fireworks restrictions, and, if you’re a smoker, don’t flick your butt into the weeds.

Carol O’Meara is the extension agent in horticulture entomology for Colorado State University’s Extension in Boulder County. Contact her at